Data and Statistics

Fact Sheet

The information below provides snapshot statistics of the Housing Authority. The public housing (PH) unit count of 331 includes 99 PH units that are managed by WCRMS, an affiliate entity.

Just the Numbers - January 2016

Average family income in Public Housing is $10,982.
Average monthly rent is $301.
20% of HACC Families receive public assistance.
35% of HACC families are headed by persons over 62 years of age.
28% of HACC population are under the age of 18.
1470 families are currently on the waiting list for Public Housing.
430 families are currently on the waiting list for Section 8 Housing.
The average vacancy rate for HACC apartments is 3%.
Average days waiting for an Elderly/Disabled Public Housing unit - 293 days
Average days waiting for a Family Public Housing unit - 847 days
Average number of Preference Points needed to be considered for a Public Housing unit - 10
All Family Waiting List sites are currently closed and there are no plans on opening those Waiting Lists for at least two years.

Other Statistics

Staff & Budget

Board Members: 5
Executive Staff: 6
Employees: 18

Housing Assistance

Housing Choice Vouchers: 1531
Public Housing Units: 331

County Facts

County of Chester's Department of Community Development has extensive information including reference information about affordable housing, transportation, employment, etc. It also has interesting reports and articles.